Thursday, November 20, 2008

3 Cute Boys

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These boys are some of the most handsome little boys. It is weird to think that the two older ones each were one of my sunbeams in primary way back when. Their parents are pretty nice too I guess. The dad is one of Dustin's triathlon buddies and there is already some crazy talk about their plans for this spring. Good luck to them I guess. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed taking these pictures and hope that someday Dustin and I can add a boy to our collection.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just for Laughs

  I just think this picture is too funny for words.


I took these a while ago and finally am able to get them up on here. We have such cute nieces and nephews all over the place, they are the best to take pictures of.  Here are some more for your viewing pleasure.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

A few pictures to tease you with...

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We had so much fun last Saturday taking these pictures. The mini-sessions went well. We were so excited when the beautiful sun came out for our afternoon sessions. Thanks again to everyone who came out for them. Especially the ones who braved the rain! Your pictures will be in the mail in a few days. We are really looking forward to this Saturday, it's not to late to email us!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday to have some pictures taken. We lucked out with the weather. I am looking through the pictures and will put some up as soon as I can. For everyone else...we have more openings this Saturday the 15th, please contact us to have your pictures done, we would love the opportunity.